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Dr. Mike Teucher
Home institution

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Institute for Geosciences and Geography

Department of Geoecology



My research interests are related to analyzing the intensity of land cover and land use in Central Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. I work from a geoecological perspective and focus on the benefits and the usage of standard and latest methods of geoinformatics and remote sensing. I am conducting research on sustainable development in East Africa in the field of biodiversity and nature conservation ( By combining transdisciplinary research methods of integrated impact assessments, landscape ecology and geoinformatics highly sensitive, human-impacted landscapes are investigated. Through the assessment of the current status and threats recommendations for policy and local stakeholder involvement are developed.

Currently I am also head of a working package in the project AgriSens DEMMIN 4.0 (, working on intensively used agricultural regions in northeast Germany. The focus of this project is on integrating recent advancement of remote sensing and digitalization strategies for farm management. In the working package we are dealing with UAV-based identification methods for detecting stones and artificial objects on agricultural fields as a screening method for farm preparation. UAV methods for landscape ecology and nature conservation are another research interest of mine.

Thematic focus
remote sensing